Eating high-fiber carbohydrates is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer


One study shows that it is more important to look at the quality of carbohydrates than the quantity.

A study Presents this consumption of high quality carbohydrates, which have a higher content of dietary fiber, lower glycemic index, with a preference for solids over liquids and whole grains, It is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer, mainly in premenopausal women.

The study is published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, in which researchers from obesity and nutrition CIBER (CIBEROBN) from the University of Navarra Monitoring (SUN) project, led by Miguel Angel Martinez-Gonzalez and Estefania Toledo.

In this case the information from 10,812 women participating in the SUN project. The data were related tolife habits, exercise, medical history, frequency of consumption of 136 foods; and reproductive factors and family history of breast cancer. These women, who were free of breast cancer at the start of the study, were followed up every two years an average of 12 years, a time when 101 new cases of breast cancer were confirmed by medical reports.

“Although much of the information on the consumption of carbohydrates as an energy source refers to their amount in intake, it is very important to take into account the quality of nutrients. For this reason, we evaluated it in this study and were able to see that their quality is more appropriate than the total amount of carbohydrates consumed, “explains Andrea Romanos, lead author.

Consumption reduction products

  • milkshakes
  • Sugar drinks
  • Commercial or bottled juices
  • White bread
  • Sweet and chocolate candies

Products for increased consumption

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains such as wheat, oats, quinoa.
  • Pasta and bread in their integral versions. (F)
