We are in the time of year when Purpose of the change it takes on a special role in various areas of our life. And perhaps one of the most recurring aspects is the one it relates to to slim down. Moreover, if we take into account the excesses that we can commit during the main celebrations of Christmas and that some experts add 3 to 5 kilos of extra weight in just two or three weeks.
Moreover, in a world plagued by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we know that Obesity is a risk factor for severe forms of COVID-19. “80% of the severely infected patients who required intubation, mechanical ventilation in the ICU and died were obese. Obesity is therefore a major factor in poor prognosis in COVID-19 infection, ”explains Susana Monereo. head of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Clinic at the General Hospital of Universitario Gregorio Marañón (Madrid).
So perhaps now is the right time to say that not everything happens in the weight loss process. There are shapes and forms. “Losing weight is easy. Almost everyone who tries is successful. The really tough part is keeping weight.or. Less than 10% of dieters actually weigh less after a few years. In fact, most of them weigh more than they were at the beginning. Ironically, poorly managed diets are fattening, and each unsuccessful attempt takes you away from your goal, explains Marcos Vázquez, creator of the Fitness Revolucionario blog.
Therefore, it is not unreasonable to say that there are diets that fatten. This is because they are based solely on a caloric deficit, when in fact, in addition to consuming fewer calories, it is essential to include adequate amounts of protein in your diet and weight training.
“Many believe that it is impossible to gain muscle mass and lose fat at the same time, but they are wrong.. In beginners, this is not only possible, but more likely if you eat enough protein (1.5-2 grams per kg of body weight) and do strength training, in fact, the better you do your first diet, the better you will do the next ones. And back. If you start to gain weight and lose muscle after a failed diet, your metabolism will be worse than at the beginning, and the next attempt will be even more difficult, ”points out Vázquez, who supports his message in a rich scientific literature such as a study published years ago in Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism.
“One study divided overweight policemen into three groups. One group simply went on a diet reducing calories by 20%. The other two groups, in addition to reducing calories, added strength training and protein supplements (one group took casein and the other took whey) to achieve 1.5 g / kg of protein per day. After 12 weeks, groups that weight-training and added more protein lost significantly more fat and gained muscle. However, those who were only on a diet lost less fat as well as muscle, ”explains Marcos Vázquez.
“Protein supplements are not necessary. The same effects could be achieved with food, but the supplement can help you meet the requirements with minimal additional calories, ”adds the expert.
The three most important factors in fat loss
When starting the weight loss process, it is clear what we mean and what we are going to do with it. caloric deficit. Basically, it is about eating less than we spend to force the body to cover the difference with its fat reserves. This way we will be able to lose weight, but it is possible that, as we mentioned at the beginning, we are part of the 90 percent of people who fail.
Therefore, it is necessary to add to the equation adequate protein intake – in addition to increasing the feeling of satiety, it also reduces the slowdown in metabolism and loss of muscle mass – and strength training – retains muscle mass and reduces the slowdown in metabolism – thanks to which we are closer to achieving our goals.
Only strength training?
While we’ve seen the importance of weight training, that doesn’t mean we should ignore other types of exercise, such as more traditional cardio. A recent investigation, in fact published in Obesity Reviewsthat states that the most effective way to burn fat is a combination of high-intensity aerobic exercise and heavy-duty strength training: Provides better results in reducing abdominal obesity, improving lean body mass, and increasing cardiorespiratory fitness.