There are few voices that warn that a medical examination or annual evaluation will not necessarily prevent or prolong your life.. And this is not some unfounded, unjustified claim that the newcomer shares. This assumption is defended by experts from Harvard University.
“Annual physical examination does not reduce morbidity or mortality and is a waste of time and money.” doctors Mehrotra and Prochazka say in an article published in The New England Journal of Medicine. And the fact is that despite the great usefulness of analytics or control tests for getting to know our health condition, these are indicators that are not always decisive and that in some cases this can lead to ‘overdiagnosis’.
For this reason, many advocate preventive medicine as a real factor in improving health through lifestyle interventions and habits such as exercise, rest, coping with stress, abandoning harmful habits or diets that are really varied.
“Classic tests are valuable because the levels of certain molecules in the blood give us an idea of our risk of developing certain diseases. However, less is said about the predictive power of much simpler testssuch as assessing the speed with which we walk, our grip strength or overall mobility (e.g. sitting down and getting up from the ground without using our hands) “, Marcos Vázquez, creator of the Revolutionary Fitness blog, points out in an interesting article.
“These tests can predict your risk of heart problems more accurately than your cholesterol levels– adds an expert who shares four simple methods of assessing the risk of disease.

Revolutionary Fitness
4 tests to assess disease risk.
- Walking speed. There are various studies linking walking speed with different markers of health: slow walking is associated with increased short-term mortality, increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, or as a predictor of brain and body health.
- Sit down and get up off the floor (no hands). Among other things, it measures strength, mobility and balance. If you are able to move without assistance, your condition is optimal. But every time you need to help yourself with your hand, elbow, or knees, and if you also lose your balance, things will change. High scores (0 to 10) in this test are associated with lower mortality. It shows? Chances of an accident or a fall.
- grip strength Similarly, tests related to the grip strength function as predictors of all-cause mortality or suffering from cardiovascular disease or cancer. The greater the gripping force that can be checked with a dynamometer or by checking the suspension time, the more optimal your health is.
- Push-ups. The ability to do push-ups can serve as a measure of health, according to the prestigious Harvard University (USA). In a recent investigation involving firefighters in their middle age of 40, the agency after a 10-year follow-up period confirmed that people who could do more than 40 push-ups had a 96 percent reduction in cardiovascular risk compared to those who that have done more than 40 push-ups. has not reached this mark.